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Restaurant City - Phantom Rubbish Cheat (fixed)!

Saturday, October 31, 2009 10:47 AM

Tools you need :
1) Cheat Engine 5.5 or Here
2) Firefox
3) RC Tools 4.4
4) Flash Player 9
5) Phantom Rubbish Generator

Open your Restaurant City
1) Make all your staffs to Cleaners, if you have 8 of them, make all of them Cleaners.
2) To make this cheat work smoothly, use Jackal's HP Freeze on RC Tools 4.4 (refer to this) and you will have your staffs at 100% every time.
3) This cheat is all about generating money from rubbish and gourmet points, so make full use of it before it gets patch.
4) Important, in order for your first part of the code to work, your restaurant needs to be "Rubbish free"' and make sure there's no rubbish in it.

Open you Cheat Engine and Phantom Rubbish Generator

Part 1
1) Paste the code either d88b000000888b8b into the Hex box, set to 8 bytes and check Also scan read-only memory.
2) After the scan, get the address and paste back to Result A in the Phantom Rubbish Generator

Part 2
1) Paste the code 000000CC9189D32B into the Hex box, set to 8 bytes and check Also scan read-only memory.
2) After the scan, get the address and paste back to Result B in the Phantom Rubbish Generator

Part 3
1) Paste the code 000000808b110ff2 into the Hex box, set to 8 bytes and check Also scan read-only memory.
2) After the scan, get the address and paste back to Result C in the Phantom Rubbish Generator

This is how your Cheat Engine will look like:

Restaurant City - Phantom Rubbish Cheat

This will be your end results:
Restaurant City - Phantom Rubbish Cheat

You can reset your Rubbish Cheat Count by following this Guide


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