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Play Restaurant City in Windows 7 Now!

Friday, October 30, 2009 7:31 PM

If you been frustrated playing Playfish games such as Restaurant City or Country Story at a slower speed, probably it's time to change to a new Operating System. Try the newest installment to the Windows Family, Windows 7! Get the pre-order copy right now!

Get your Pre-Order Copy of Windows 7 Now and Save 50%!

If you live in the US, Canada or Japan you can now pre-order Windows 7 for a limited time, so hurry and place your order now to save up to $100! Click here to learn more about pre-ordering Windows 7.

Windows 7 Release Date has been set at 22nd October 2009. This will be the first day that customers will be able to Buy Windows 7. Below you will find information that will help you decide which version of Windows 7 is right for you as well as links to the best places to buy Windows 7.

There are several versions to choose from, but Windows 7 Home Premium will be the one chosen by most users. Microsoft has built the editions to include features that “smaller” editions do not contain. This is in contrast to Windows Vista where more expensive editions missed some of the features of less expensive ones.
Don't wait. Buy Windows 7 Online right now!


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