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Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution!

Friday, October 30, 2009 4:45 PM

Now this is what my restaurant looks like now..

Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

I'm gonna remove all my decorations just for this thread.. Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

Here goes..

1. Remove all the decors that will be included in your layering design..

Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

(you can leave the windows and doors, as they will always layer at the back anyways, I didn't remove the sign board because it does not need layering in my layout, but if you want to include the signboard for your layering design, consider it as another layering decor and remove it....)

2. Save your Game, and Reload..

Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

3. Okay this is important, you have to know the layering group of each of your decors, which ones are at the farthest back, then the ones on top of the previous ones, and it continues like that..

I'll use my restaurant final design to show you the groupings..

a. The decors at the farthest back..

Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

(These includes, the flower beds, the trees, hanging flower pot, torches)

b. The decors directly on top of (a)..

Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

(These includes the Lamp post, Lion statues, mermaid statues)

c. The decors at the top most layer..

Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

(These are the bushes at the front)

(Your design can have as "I don't know how many" layers as you want, but just remember carefully which items are in what layer, you can save an image of what you want your restaurant to look like so that you can use it for reference)

4. Put out the decors at the farthest back, (you can arrange them now or later, i'll arrange them later to show that it's possible)..

Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

5. Save your Game, and Reload..

Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

(After you reload it should look like the way you left it, If it's not there's obviously something wrong with your game, hehe.. )

6. Now put out the next layer of decors out..

Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

7. Save your Game, and Reload..

Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

(After you reload the game, you'll immediately notice that ***!! the layering is not right!)

Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

(Don't worry, Just follow step 8..)

8. Repeat steps 6-7, for every groups of layering decors that you need to put out..

Step 6
Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

Step 7
Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

9. Save and Reload you game 1 more time..

Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

10. Arrange them to your heart's content..

(This is the final unorganized layout.. Notice that the layering are now all correct.. )

(Always keep track of what layer the items are..)

Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution(WARNING!!! Please don't bring items back to the inventory!)

(Arrange them now.. Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution)

Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

11. Save your Game, and Reload..

Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

12. Now you're happy!! Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

Source: tinman21


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