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Restaurant City - Layout Design Guide for efficiency!

Friday, October 30, 2009 1:01 PM

The purpose of this guide is to give the reader a guideline on how to make efficiency restaurant(high service rate-Customer served per minute CPM). To do this we have to understand some of the fact that will limit your service rate.

First is the productivity rate, the rate that chef use to cook a dish(16 secs) and the rate the waiter use to make a drink(***EDIT 12 secs thanks baconeggs ***). This one is the hard limit which mean you can't do better than the production rate. For example if you have 4 chef you can produce 15 dishes at most(3.75 dishes/chef). This is ideal because the dish needed to be teleport to customer table. In the real situation there are limitation of chef productivity which are no customer, this will make the chef go idle, and no waiter to take the finished dish to customer and chef go idle.(dish can't be teleport!!!. teleport again lol you'll know at the end of this guide why i like teleport hehe.) You can observe the stove to notice it three state idle, cook and wait.

Second the table. Obviously number of the table limit the number of customer. But this not mean having more table is better. Because the more table you put will cause the waiter walk longer and it side effect is it will cause the chef go idle, have dish ready but no waiter take it to serve. This problem will can occured even you not have that much tables if the waiter energy is low. So the best approach to optimize total idle time of tables.(Sum of idle time of all table you put to your restaurant more tables will tend to increase the total idle time because there always have idle table. Note that the table that customer not get served should also count as idle one because it not make any productivity)

Third the customer. Customer have some behavior like spend around 25 secs to finished the dish. But behavior that have to most impact to your service rate is he/she allocate the table once he/she found the empty table and walk like a turtle to that table, table will be lock for his/her for a long time this lower the utilization rate of table(This is why the old maze model is not give high service rate. It still good at maintain popularity anyway). So you have to make your customer/turtle walk as short as possible to his/her own table. To make it efficient your have to optimize the sum of distance from door/waiting chair to each of yours tables.

Forth the waiting chair. Due to random arrival rate of customer. The waiting chair can be your good friend because it will act as a buffer. When no customer come in you still have some customers at your waiting chairs(buffer). The buffer will make your system run smoothly. You should have some of waiting chairs at good position consider the stuff i mention before. The number of waiting chair is depend on your layout but easy guideline is you should always have few customers at your waiting chairs and customer should not sit on waiting chair so long. Try to keep minimum number of waiting chair as possible, the more will cause longer distance to table which is not good. And try to not use arcade machine if your waiting chairs not full and customer not stay at it that long. Let it do the buffer function as it should be.

Fifth the dispenser. Many should use the island as a part of your layout. The number of dispenser also have small impact in some situation. For example you use small island that have 2 chefs 2 waiters 2 dispensers and 10 tables.
when 3 or more customers order a drink in a row all your waiters will go to the dispenser and spend time make a drink this will cause a block on chef it'll make chef that finished the dish go idle and waste productivity. This situation not happen that much.(3 or more customers will left before they get serve). If this happen often you can consider reduce the dispenser to one to free one waiter for serving task.

Lastly there're a trick like partitioning by using waiting chair and obstacle. By doing this some part of your restaurant will be accessible to customer that sit at waiting chair first only. The good part of this trick is it limit a long walk to a chair that is very far from the door. And the funny effect is that those customer in this restrict part can't walk out lol!!!. He/She will disappear like Teleport !!!.

This layout give around 17 APS +/- 0.5
measure from 100% to 75%
Note: Performance will change if it not the same as diagram.
Distance from door, number of door and it position all can affect the result.
It take longer for customer to reach table.(For layout that not have many tables it can make a major change)


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