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Tiki Resort - Silver Coins + Golden Coins Cheat

Saturday, February 6, 2010 8:25 AM

Tiki Resort PainHacker
Credit : renrenrockz

Firstly , Go to Tiki Resort

Requirement ( you can download it at "Useful Download" :

  • Cheat Engine 5.6
  • Flash Player 10
  • Browser ( FireFox )
  • Brain !!

Silver Coins Steps :

  1. Firstly , Go to Tiki Resort by clicking above links
  2. Open Cheat Engine 5.6
  3. Now , make sure you change the "Value type" to "Double"
  4. Now , scan your current silver coins
  5. Then , collect trash or give a gift to your tourist
  6. Scan your new current silver coins
  7. Now , there should be 1 address remained
  8. So , double click it and the address should go below box
  9. Change the address value to 99999
  10. Viola !! , just go to "Shop" and your silver coins is refreshed !!


Golden Coins Cheat Steps :

  1. Same as above , but make sure you change the "Value type" to 4bytes
  2. Back to Tiki , scan your current EXP
  3. Then , collect trash or give a gift to your tourist
  4. Now , Scan your new current EXP
  5. There should be 1 address remain
  6. Double click it and its should go below box
  7. Double click the address and add +BC at the end of the address ( example : 08DF4E88+BC )Image hosting by IMGBoot.com
  8. Then , change your value to 99999
  9. Viola !! Just go to shop and your golden coins is refreshed !!

    Result :




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